Makgeolli Man
Makgeolli! I love you!
大担 told a story about when he lived here, how there's a “Makgeolli Man”. A wild-eyed joyful fellow who would tow around dozens of bottles of this delicious rice wine elixir, and if he came up to you, you'd play rock-paper-scissors. If you won, a free bottle for you. If you lost, you had to buy one. It's super cheap anyway so it's supposedly a win win either way just to interact with the guy. Right before Yamagata Tweakster is set to tear the place apart, in comes Makgeolli Man. Dann's eyes light up, I turn my camera on and film what I can of this maniacally joyful fellow yelling “MAKGEOLLI! I LOVE YOU!”, and he was gone with a flash. Dann said he had the exact same clothes on as the last time he saw him, four years ago.