Thank You, Indonesia...
A gift from Lintang
A gift from the wizard, Lintang Radittya. You are too kind. Guess I really have to start my first noise band now. Jogja, Thank You so much. Unreal. Hell of a final day in Indonesia.
Indonesia : That's a wrap. Thank You...for allowing us into your homes, the great conversations, mind-melting shows, amazing generosity and kindness. That was one of the most mind-bending few months of our lives. Easily some of the best work I've ever done, from a process level, a scene crafting standpoint. I cannot wait to see how it forms together. It's going to be quite a while before much of this footage sees the light of day, as I have two more films to make. However, I'll be writing an article, uploading live recordings. Much to come. You're all too kind, and have something really special on your hands. As 大担 says, it's not goodbye, but see you soon. For now, all the best.