Maybe Mars Decade: 12 acts play Beijing early October
Happy Birthday, baby.
I've been dying for some quality noise up here in Dongbei.
I was all set to pull the trigger on another October holiday in Chengdu, still quite excited after last year's excellent NUART Festival. We wrote about why that was so cool for China...and just like that, as China loves to do, it fell thru for 2017.
Leave it to Maybe Mars to pick up the slack on my yearning for rock and roll, and deliver just that, when a dozen acts from their roster descend onto the "public kingdom for teens'" capital of Beijing in early October.
Here's the lowdown.
Aside from what looks to be a great kick-off for this week at School Bar September 30th with Free Sex Shop, Dr. Liu and the Human Centipede, the first of 4 parties begins on Tuesday, October 3rd.
HNNNNNG. Get outta here! We can't fucking make this one. Sorry, folks, but it was difficult enough to get Friday off so we could finally catch our dear sweethearts Hiperson from Chengdu. Having just caught P.K.14 nine times in a row, I think we'll live.
I advise you to get off your ass and grip tickets to this one! Chui Wan's new record is great, as are P.K.14's new jams. Do it.
P.K.14 : Douban / Bandcamp
CHUI WAN: Bandcamp
FAZI: Bandcamp
Time: October 7th, Saturday, 21:45
Venue: Yugong Yishan
Line-up: P.K.14, Chui Wan, FAZI
Ticket: 120 RMB, pre-sale, 150 at door
Goddamn, this will be fun.
See you in the pit.