Klepto Opera in a Graveyard
Klepto Opera (Surabaya)
Surabaya. Day one and we head to an old graveyard, tagging along with KLEPTO OPERA, a super unique psyche / grunge / noise act who've been going for over 15 years. They were shooting a video for a new song "Menggilas Dunia". Most of the graves dated back to the mid 1800's, and over 60% of them were dug up by looters. Though they're playing fierce for this band photo, they were ridiculously nice. Though it's Ramadan, obviously not everyone is fasting. A first warung meal next to a skate park that was ridiculously busy by the time we left. Tomorrow, a noise set on the streets. "Noise Bombing" : Round 1. Super glad to be here, Indonesia.