Xi'an crazy
Inbound to Xi'an
Xi'an! Holy shit. I was to meet up with Feng Fan of the System Error crew. The airport staff vehemently denied his directions, citing a better way, but I ignored them, and jumped a bus to meet him at the Bell Tower. I'm glad I did. After the bus almost killed about 7 people on the drive in, I saw why he gave me the directions he did.
This city is bonkers. We sit down to one of the best meals I've had in China, and in this street teeming with crazy, a full on fight breaks out. He's quick to point out this doesn't happen often. Tomorrow's show, it's one of the last their crew is putting on. They're all moving after school. We're going to try and do a last minute screening of the film! There's gonna be a lot to tell from this city. I can already tell I'll wish I had more time.